10 commandments of usability testing

Tony Joy
Aug 10, 2023


  1. Thou shall have no other interviewers except one
  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image outside of test scope
  3. Thou shalt not take the copy in the UI in speech
  4. Remember the interview day, to keep it on time
  5. Honour thy designer and stakeholders
  6. Thou shall not explain thy design
  7. Thou shall stay silent in the middle of a task
  8. Thou shall observe during a task and probe after
  9. Thou shall not ask leading questions
  10. Thou shall test thy design with at least 5 people



Tony Joy

Product Designer at Resolve to Save Lives . Likes trying food I can’t pronounce, traveling to places unheard of, old books, good design and everything sci-fi.